Thursday, July 21, 2011


I got to spend some time with my mommy today. It was really nice because we live about 30 minutes away from each other, and I don’t always have transportation to go out and visit her. We went to get her some luggage from Kohl’s, and then we went to Target to get an old friend a gift for her wedding. :) (I love weddings by the way. They are so awesome) We also went to Costco!!! I love Costco. It’s so awesome. Sometimes Josh and I go there just to walk around and look at things.

Anyways, while my mom and I were at Kohl’s, I was telling her about how I haven’t been feeling myself lately, and that I have just been so sleepy all of a sudden. Like, I could sleep alllllll the time. I usually only take naps on Sundays after church (it’s exhausting, alright?! haha!) but I have been napping almost every day and also sleeping in until like 9 or 10. Sometimes 11, and that’s not like me at all. So she asked me “are you pregnant?” and I said “I hope not.” And then I stopped and thought, wait a minute… I WANT to have a baby. Why would I say ‘I hope not’?! That’s really dumb of me. But, me being me, didn’t correct myself because I get anxious about what my mom thinks, and I was trying to figure out why I am so sleepy. I am probably coming down with something, or it’s probably because I have been working out lately. :) I can assure you, though, that I am not pregnant because I … you know last month. And it would be WAY to early to tell for this month! Tehehehe
OH! And, my mommy told me that she had a dream about Josh and I getting pregnant and having twins. I think secretly she wants me to have a baby because they are so snuggly. But it’s funny that we had twins in her dream because that’s all Josh and I ever dream about are twins. Odd, right? It might be because my mom is a twin… and her brother and sister are also twins and everybody desperately wants me to have twins. It would be intense. But I think I would really, really like it. Like… a lot!

So, I am grateful that my mommy came to visit me today. I missed her a lot, and I am happy that she is my mom. She’s a great mom, too. I can’t wait until I am a mommy so I can be as awesome as she is.

Now, off to watch Tangled! I stinkin’ love this movie.

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