Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Hey everybody!!!! How was your weekend?! Mine was amazing. Sorry that I haven’t posted anything for a couple of days. It’s been so busy.

Yesterday, I had a job interview!! (FINALLY!!! I haven’t had a job since the end of May) It’s my first one after applying for so many stinkin’ jobs! But it was good, and they said that they would contact me at the end of the week!! :o) After that, my sister-in-law (she also had an interview with them) and I drove to the Seattle Temple. Oh ya, I forgot to mention that the interview took place in Bellevue. Anyhoo… so we drove to the Temple, even though it is closed on Mondays, to see if we could walk around. The weather wasn’t ideal yesterday. It was rainy, and we actually had thunderstorms yesterday morning!! woohoo!! But we walked around anyways. I got a little teary, like I always do when I go to the Temple. It’s beautiful, and peaceful. And even though it’s right next to a busy intersection, I feel like when I am on the grounds, I can’t even hear anything around me except for the birds in the trees.
While we were walking around, we talked about the importance of the Temple and what it means to us. Basically, we came up with this … it means that we can be “forever families.” We have the capability to be sealed to our spouses and our children forever. It’s really awesome when you think about it. Who wouldn’t want to be with their children and their husband or wife for eternity?

So, when I got home, I told my husband (who, actually is getting a raise soon, and a promotion! GO JOSH!) what we did, and he said “oh, that’s fun!” Haha… he was a little pre-occupied. But anyways, we talked about how this is ‘month one’ of our blog while trying to get pregnant. Aunt Flow rears her nasty head about the last Sunday of every month. TMI I know… but, it’s important that I tell you because about the end of every month, I might or might not be blogging about my dear Aunt. I know that we are supposed to wait for about 3 months before we tell people other than our immediate family about being pregnant, but… I just don’t think that I would be able to to do that. I will more than likely be shouting it from my rooftop because I will be so excited. :D That’s just who I am.

The point of my blog today, is to ask you people who read this, what do you think would make you happier? FINALLY having a baby, or other… more worldly things? And, if you were asked… could you give up those things that make you so happy??  I was thinking about that yesterday, I am happy with my lap top, but could I give it up JUST to have a baby? You bet I could. I am happy with all of our lovely things that we got when we got married, but could I give those up to have a baby? Yes. I could. I could give up everything that I had in order to have a child. Even if giving up everything meant that I would have to start all over from the very bottom just to have even one child, I would do it. No questions asked.
What would you do?

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