Monday, July 18, 2011


I hope that everybody had a fabulous weekend! I did! It went by way too fast, though. In my Church, we have callings… and my calling is NURSERY! And it is so fun. Actually, I am the Nursery singing time person, which is great, but I actually just stay and hang out in Nursery because, well, who doesn’t want to spend 2 hours every Sunday playing with toddlers?
This Sunday, though, was great. I played with one little 18 month old pretty much the whole time, and he is so fun. I played with a 2 year old, and then some random little kids hugged me, and then we had snack time, then it was singing time! We sang Old McDonald, and I love to see the Temple. And, the BEST song… Popcorn popping. The kids LOVE that song, and the pretty much know all the little motions that you sing with it, too.
Well, the whole reason why I was telling you about my calling was because on Sunday we had a little boy pee all the way down his pants… and create a really big mess that was amazing! :) And we also had another little boy poop all the way up his diaper and up his back. That was pretty amazing, too.
So, after I got home from Nursery, I really thought about whether or not I wanted to have babies… because… they pee on things, and they get really messy poopy diapers. I gag at the THOUGHT of poop. Even at the thought of pee out of a diaper. I mean, really. Am I cut out for motherhood? I know that Josh can handle it, he is the oldest of 12 and has changed MANY dirty diapers. I am the youngest (my siblings range from 12-17 years older than me), and have only changed peed diapers, never poopy ones. I wouldn’t even know what to do! And cleaning up throw up? Forget about that… I don’t have the stomach for something of that nature, either. Maybe it will be different with my children. Because, pretty much they are half of me… and their puke is my puke, right? I don’t know. Just thinking about it is making me want to throw up. And if I can’t do that… then how can I be a mother?!
But then, today, during family time… Josh’s little sister said a sweet prayer and it melted my heart (and everybody else's, too). And I knew that I would be able to clean up puke and poop, even though it’s going to be gross, and I probably will throw up.

So, watch this video. It’s amazing. And it sums up my thoughts and feelings.

1 comment:

  1. This blog post made me laugh because I puked while fishing Dallin's poop out of the tub yesterday. Nothing like soggy poop. The texture got to me. :-)
