Monday, July 30, 2012


Things have been a little crazy around here. Josh and I are going on a “fast” from going out to eat {which, unfortunately, we do a lot} and buying unnecessary things … {which I do a lot} and I am so super excited. All of our everything has been paid off, sooooo that’s really nice. And we are just relaxing most days and enjoying my ever growing belly. I will probably start taking pictures of that soon … it’s just kinda freakin me out that there is something in there. growing. and it’s growing really fast, too.

We got to hear the heartbeat on Friday! It took a little bit for the doctor to find little baby’s heartbeat, though. I was starting to get worried. Finally he found the baby … in a corner of my uterus way down low. Silly baby. The heartbeat was magical. When we were able to hear the heartbeat the sound would get all static-like, so naturally I was freaking out thinking that my baby was having a heart attack or something, and my doctor smiled at my concerned face and said that the static sound was my baby moving around. And let me tell ya, that little one was moving SO much. Most of the sound we heard was static because the little one was so active.
I can’t believe that there is a little something moving around so much in there and I can’t even feel it yet! I really can’t wait until I can feel it.

Things are so good, life is good, and we are so blessed right now.
Josh and I are more in love than ever, and I didn’t think that I could love him anymore than I already did. Finding out that we were going to have a baby really solidified our relationship and it’s growing into something even better. I can’t wait to see him as a daddy. He is going to be such a good one. :o)

Thursday, July 19, 2012

things I think of on a daily basis right now

How much is too much sleep? I feel like I could probably stay in my bed all day long and be fine. I actually could sleep for a week straight and still be exhausted.

Eating a whole can of spaghettio’s is okay … right?

Giving in to my cravings of hamburgers and pizza whenever I want them… is that also okay? I mean … if the baby wants it then I should probably eat it … right?!


What the heck is up with my dreams lately? Dinosaurs, James Franco, Divorce {ya, I have had two dreams about josh leaving me … totally weird because our marriage couldn’t be better right now} and they are all so vivid. Like its real life.

I am not going to cry today.
Scratch that. I wont cry more than once today.
Never mind. I wont cry more than three times today.
Okay, I am just giving up on trying not to cry at all today. :o)

**I just love being pregnant. It’s so weird … and things happen that I seriously didn’t expect. Nobody tells you about the awkward things that happen when you are pregnant, but that’s probably because it’s soooo awkward. And I have also come to find out that I can’t trust the internet ladies when I have random questions that my books don’t answer. they always end up saying something like “that happened to me and then something extremely terrible happened. Just warning you.” So then I freak out {naturally} and cry and call josh at work convinced that something REALLY BAD is going to happen. And then nothing happens.**

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


On Sunday night I had to work. Which is nothing new. Except for that I was supposed to be off no later than 11pm … but I didn’t get home until 11:45pm which was not so great. I also had to open the fitting room {at Ross … where I work} the next morning! So I had to wake up early the next day … blah!
When I got home I was so tired to the point that I cried. a lot. poor josh I always feel so sad for him when I am being extra emotional. anyways, my wonderful hubby told me something exciting! His sister, Chelsey {the one that moved to Utah in January}, surprised the family with a visit and she is going to be here all week!!!!!! Instead of my usual bubbly excitement, though, I cried even more because I didn’t get to see her and enjoy the surprise. I was a pitiful sight to behold laying on the bed crying in my pj’s. josh just patted my arm kissed my forehead and walked away.

Anyways, I did get to see Chelso yesterday, thank goodness, and it was wonderful. she got to see my tiny baby bump that I swear showed up out of nowhere overnight. it was so good to see her, and I think that we might be having a slumber party in Gig Harbor sometime this week. HOORAY! It will be fun times.

I will probably forget to bring my camera, but I will try to remember.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

4 Years Later …

wedding 3

wedding 2

wedding 1

I cannot believe that we have been married for 4 years already! it is great to know that I always have somebody that I can rely on, and that he knows he can always rely on me.
we haven’t done anything magnificent today … Josh had to work and I didn’t … so I hung out at home and did the laundry {just kidding! I read a book all day} and then he came and picked me up and we went out to dinner. Mexican food. Because I have been craving the Mexican Restaurant style chips and salsa … they are SO good! then we went on a drive and talked about our little bebe.

I love my husband more every day, and I have found that I love him even more and with an even deeper kind of love now that we will be having a little one. our life is good, and we are so blessed.

The day I found out


Was a rainy day in May {which rhymes by the way}, and I had a seriously bad sinus infection. It started on Thursday, and by Saturday it was unbearable, so I went to urgent care because I realllllllyyyyy needed some drugs to take care of it. I mentioned to the doctor that things weren’t goin’ on down there and I was a week late, but I said that I thought it was because I was sick. he offered to let me take a test just to make sure and I said ‘alright’ not really thinking that anything was going to happen.
Then he came back. Sat down. Turned on the computer. Turned and looked at me and said, “it looks like congratulations are in order because you are pregnant!”
I just stared at him … and then looked at Josh thinking if this was a joke. We were absolutely stunned. STUNNED! and had absolutely no idea what was going on. Then I turned back to mr. dr. man and said “what? can you repeat that?” so he tells me again … and then I cried. and cried. and cried. and cried. for all day long. we drove home and told everybody. EVERYBODY! we called parents, grandparents, siblings that don’t live here, it was absolute chaos for a little bit.

after a few weeks {it was 5! and they were the LONGEST 5 weeks of my life} we finally got to see our little bebe! it was flipping and flopping, somersaulting, waving and wiggling all over the place. it was beautiful. and mine. and I cannot wait to snuggle and kiss it every day of its life.

josh and I are so excited to be parents. just so, so, SO excited!


{p.s. congrats to my friend Kennedy! Who had her baby today!! Their very first little boy after three super cute little girls, and let me tell ya, he is super handsome!}