Thursday, August 30, 2012

And the verdict is …

that I am the worst blogger that ever lived.

A boy.
Who would have thought?!
I was convinced that we were having a girl. I pretty much knew.
But I am already so in love with my little boy.

It’s a little late for me … so I will tell you more tomorrow about my ultrasound and all that wonderful ness. :o) For now, here is a picture of our little boys first outfit. I hope he can fit into it when he is born.

photo 2

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Some days …

are magical and wonderful.

Tuesday I felt my little baby for the very first time while I was at work. I felt it rolling around all over the place. It was so exciting!!! I have felt the baby before, but only when laying on my back. This, though, was a completely different feeling. One that I don’t ever want to forget.
On Wednesday {yesterday} the baby was moving It just wouldn’t stop. And then after it would move and find a place that was comfortable I could feel this weird pressure like something was trying to escape. And then it would either punch or kick me. Luckily it doesn’t hurt, but it was such a weird feeling.

There are other days {like today} where I am a big ball of stress and crying all over the place. One thing stresses me out and it’s over for the rest of the day. My hormones completely take over. And it’s the weirdest thing. I always say this, but I still feel so sad for Josh who has no idea what to do when I am freaking out and crying all over the place.

That’s the end of my weird story for the day. See you tomorrow.

Monday, August 13, 2012

What a day

Today was a day off for me, but a working day for Josh. It’s nice to sleep in. I was only up for a little bit with Josh to make his lunch and then eat breakfast. I promptly fell back asleep when he walked out the door at 8:45. Then I woke up at 11. Woops! I really didn’t mean to sleep for that long, but I couldn’t help myself. I have been just so exhausted lately.
I know that they say during the second trimester you regain your energy, but I don’t know when my energy is supposed to come back. I am a full month into the second {only 2.5 weeks until I am half way guys!} and I can’t keep my eyes open if I have been awake for longer than 3 hours.

Poor Josh is sick with some sort of bug. I think he has the flu. But of course he went to work anyways. I guess I am lucky, though, that he has such a strong work ethic. He never calls out. Ever. I think that in the year and half he has been working at Kohl’s he has called out once, and it was an emergency. Josh will certainly be teaching our children about the importance of working for what you want/need. He is such a good man.

I talked to my dad today! We have been playing phone tag for nearly 2 weeks! He told me that he asked my mom for a divorce. Which I wasn’t fully expecting, but at the same time I was expecting it. I was just expecting my mom to do the asking, not my dad, because he still loves her so much. I am a little bit relieved, but kind of unsure of what to do.
I am just glad that I live close to at least one of my parents so I can visit them. And I am glad that I was able to grow up with both of my parents, even if life wasn’t movie-perfect. If anything, this teaches me how important marriage is and how extremely important it is to always continue working together no matter how hard things get.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Happy Friday!

10 things that made me smile this week

1. Downton Abbey
2. My body pillow. SO AMAZING.
3. Feeling baby move because I am poking it so much. It’s kind of cute.
4. Taquitos. They have never tasted so good!
5. Kitty kisses
6. Early morning snuggles with my love
7. My co-workers being as excited as me to find out what the sex of my baby is {only 3ish more weeks!}
8. Baby clothes. Josh and I LOVE looking at them!
9. Body butter
10. All the wonderful sunshine!


And just for giggles, here is a picture of me last week at 16 weeks.


Thoughts of a crazy pregnant lady

Who needs to stay up late? Bed at 7 for me! Sleeping in?! Okay. Sounds good. Waking up at 9. 14 hours of sleep? Check.
Holy crap I have never been this tired. In my life.

My ladies? why yes, they have grown 47320482309483209 sizes. Please stop staring at them. I promise they wont bite. {and yes, people that I meet at work … my ladies are the first thing they look at}

I never thought that a body pillow could help me sleep so well.

Crying? I am so used to it. Everything makes me cry these days. Is Josh? Sort of. He still laughs at me when I start to cry for no reason.
Crying and then laughing uncontrollably? That I am still not used to. It’s so weird. Cry, laugh, cry, laugh, cry, laugh … come on hormones, make up your mind please.

Oh my word, my eyes are so dry it’s a wonder I can cry at all.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Happy Friday!

This week has been so fun.

10 things that made me smile this week

1. Driving around with my hubs for three hours just talking and enjoying the sunshine
2. My birthday, of course.
3. Josh wrapping my birthday present in … a target bag {because he forgot to buy a gift bag}
4. A clean room
5. Eating 4 pieces of French Toast, 5 pieces of Bacon, and 2 pieces of birthday cake
6. Still being hungry after eating said food items above
7. Josh putting his face on my belly and telling our little baby how much he loves it
8. A new nightgown from my sweet sister-in-law. She knows how much I absolutely despise anything being on my belly right now, and knew just what to get me. Oh how I love her.
9. Waking up early and laying in bed talking about what we think the baby might be … and funny baby names
10. The Olympics, seriously, I don’t remember anything being as fun to watch.

That has pretty much been my week in a nutshell …

my birthday was on Wednesday, but I had to work {blah} and so did Josh {blah, blah}. luckily, we both had Thursday off and we were able to enjoy the day together. I love him so much.