Friday, April 20, 2012

Happy Friday!

10 things that made me smile this week

1. The video at the bottom of the page. It’s so great.
2. A weekend where all I will do is work. I am actually looking forward to it.
3. Looking at places to move with Josh. It’s going to be so good.
4. My brother in law being a full-time missionary!
5. Creating a budget.
6. Hearing old songs on the radio! woohoo!
7. A lot of rain.
8. Pottermore.
9. Cookies. {Yeah, that sugar diet … didn’t work out haha}
10. Getting 100% on my first Psychology project! Maybe online classes aren’t so bad after all … :o)

This week has been pretty great. I pretty much just worked and did homework every day. Some days I would stay in my pajamas all day, and that was okay with me.
Because Josh and I are planning on moving, I created a weekly budget that pretty much only involves paying bills. I really like creating budgets for our little family. Keeping to them is REALLY hard. I think that this time we will be able to do it, though … and I am SO excited about it.

Have a good weekend! Enjoy this video.

Thursday, April 19, 2012


Oh, how I love them.
I love how much they sacrifice in order to serve the Lord.
How they go to foreign countries and learn a new, and sometimes hard, language for people they don’t know yet.
I love that they leave their family and friends behind to serve and bring people to the Gospel.
I love this church.
I love those boys and young women that are missionaries!
If it wasn’t for them, I would not be here today.

I especially love this missionary:


imageand here are some photos from last night: {thank you sister ‘Ryssa for all your loverly instagram photos that I steal from you}


So little Johnny boy {or should I say, Elder Larsen} you are gone now, but we know that you are doing the things that the Lord would have you do. We are super proud of you, and we know that you are going to bring many people to the Gospel because you are so caring and you are genuine. AND you’re a boss. {I can say this because you won’t read this probably for at least two years haha}
Love you!

Thursday, April 12, 2012


Sometimes … the Lord plants an idea in your brain and you go with it because, well, it’s what you’re supposed to do. Then out of nowhere BAM! Plan is changed … now I have no idea why that plan was even planted in the first place. Maybe it was so we would prepare and then because of our diligence we were blessed with something even better.
Our Heavenly Father is soooo funny sometimes. :o)

In other news I decided that I am going to quit sugar for a while. Probably a month. I went completely ridiculously crazy with sugar during the holiday season, and my sugar addiction didn’t end after the holidays. We had like a bajillion birthdays and then Valentines Day, and then Easter, and not to mention General Conference {we make a lot of treats and eat a lot of licorice}. Now that all the candy and cookie making days are over I am stopping my sugar eating. Whew. I am glad that I am doing this because I know eating all that stuff is so bad for my body.

Today is a hang out in your pajamas all day not bother to get out of bed, and listening to Kings of Leon radio on Pandora kind of day. Also a snuggle with your fat cat kind of day. I should be doing homework, but I just can’t find the energy to. Maybe it’s the lack of candy. It will get done, though,  but it’s not due until midnight.

I watched this video this morning, and it made me a little bit weepy because it was fantastic. It’s a story about a little boy who builds an amazing arcade out of cardboard. He melted my heart. Watch it.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Ever wanted to know what my beloved home town of Gig Harbor is like?
It’s pretty much exactly like this video.

And yeah, It’s pretty much always raining here. It’s just another thing that I sort of love about Gig Harbor.
It’s okay to be jealous that I grew up here. :o)

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Please do not sit on the cows

A couple of weeks ago Josh and I went on a date to see The Hunger Games!
It was so good, and we loved the movie. We had such a fun time, but hardly any pictures were taken. I am trying to get into the habit of bringing my camera with me everywhere I go, and since it’s only a little point and shoot type camera it’s easy to cart around in my purse … I just can’t ever remember to take it out of my purse! Haha


Monday, April 9, 2012

Popcorn Popping


Today was a fantastic day! 70 degrees and beautiful clear blue skies.
Josh bought me a new dress, and then we got some Frozen Yogurt at our favorite place – Bella Peach!
Josh and I went for a walk at our favorite park!
We came home hung out for a little bit, then went outside in our back yard and had a picnic.
While on our picnic we read a book that we are reading together – 5 chapters!
We came inside and read more of the book! 2 more chapters!
I did homework while Josh did his own thing then we watched General Conference for our Family Night.

It’s been such a great day.



Don’t these flowers kinda look like popcorn popping?

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Ho … Hey!

So, I was a pretty bad blogger last week. Sorry about that. I have been so busy!

School started!! :D Well kinda. It was like a “get to know you” think online. All of my classes are online because I needed to get a job, and I knew that I wouldn’t be able to go to work and school on the same day. It would drive me crazy. So I chose online classes. :o) Yay.

SOOOO on Friday I didn’t get to post anything about my happy times this week, so I will right now.

10 things that made me smile this last week

2. My Kindle Fire spontaneously working out all of its bugs and being able to browse the web again. Hallelujah.
3. Got my transcripts for Winter Quarter: 3.93! HECK YES!
4. General Conference. Seriously, the best ever. {conference started yesterday, but it still mostly counts as last week}
5. This song. It’s really good, and I can’t believe that I had never heard it until last week!
6. These cookies. Seriously, they are so freaking good. My whole family loved them.
7. Licorice.
8. Sister Chelsey. I actually haven’t talked to her in AGES! But I was thinking about things that happened a long time ago with a certain dirty hipster and they just made me laugh!
9. Finally getting a call from Ross saying that my background check came in {It only took 1.5 weeks, but it’s okay}. Now I can work!
10. Moving my dad, and seeing his new place!

This week has been mighty interesting, to say the least! I helped my dad move on Saturday, and then my car broke down. I am not super worried about it, though. It has needed to get fixed anyways, and I think that my car was just saying that he’s had enough. Poor little Optima Prime.
I found some books that I really liked. Too bad they are WILDLY inappropriate, and I would not let my family read them.
My brother and his wife had their new baby today!
Her name is Farrah Jeanne, and she is the the CUTEST newborn. I love all of my nieces {all 6}, and my one little nephew.

That’s all for now. See ya tomorrow, I hope.