Tuesday, October 30, 2012

The past couple of weeks

We haven’t done much, I tell ya.

my dad had surgery on his foot. I had my gestational diabetes test.
Surgery went well. And he gets his hard cast on Thursday. Thank goodness, then it might be just a little bit easier for him to get around. The doctors told him to STAY OFF HIS FOOT… but my dad is a 64 year old man who is impatient and stubborn. So sometimes he walks around on it just to test it out… see how badly it hurts. It’s a little frustrating, but I can’t do anything about it. He’s my dad.

The test really wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be. I got the lemon lime drink and it was ice cold. It was like a sprite without the carbonation. I kind of felt a little bit gross after I drank it, but it passed. Then I had to sit for an hour and wait until they called me back to draw my blood. Yay! More blood!

OH I also found out that my cat peed on a lot of my clothes. That snuggly little thing. I just about killed him. Now I have to re-wash all of my clothes. WHY he did that, I will never, ever, ever, ever, ever know. It’s unfortunate that humans and animals can’t communicate with each other.

AND that is my life. There is a baby shower for me on Saturday … so hopefully I will have so many pictures from that. Yay!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Oh, Monday

It’s been a crazy week.

My dad broke his leg/foot on Thursday so Josh and I have been taking care of him for the past few days. He is completely immobile, which is unfortunate for him, but it’s okay for me because I get to spend a lot of quality time with my dad right now.
He has to have surgery {blah} in order to fix it completely, soooooooo that’s what we get to do. It’s been a fun few days.

Other than that this last week was really great. Josh and I have been able to spend a lot of time together {thank you, dad} and the baby has been kicking and moving a lot! {again, thank you dad, and paramedics… Even inside the womb Lex thinks you are all amazing}

Unfortunately, that is my life right now … there is nothing else happening. The End.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


We went to the King Tut exhibit for Josh’s birthday a couple of weeks ago, and had a blast. Unfortunately, I didn’t take very many pictures of what we did after we toured the exhibit, but I do have a few.

CIMG4016Josh copyCIMG4019

Monday, October 8, 2012

Happy Monday!

Things have been so great lately. Josh and I just moved {yay!}, we are getting Alexander’s nursery set up, we went to the King Tut exhibit, and … um … probably other stuff but I can’t remember it. Story of my life.

I don’t have any pictures of my new place because it’s not quite ready yet. It’s getting there, though! The kitchen is teeeeeeeeny tiny, but I really love it. Green counters and all. It’s nice to be on our own again. It’s just so quiet, and when Josh is at work there is nobody to talk to. And time goes by a lot slower … It’s tempting to just drive over to Josh’s parents house just to hang out so I wont drive myself crazy with the silence.

The King Tut exhibit was AMAZING! It was so fun. I have lots of pictures. Here, look at them.


{why yes, that is an ancient toilet seat. Neat, eh?!}


I had no idea that King Tut’s whole name was Tutenkhamun {pronounced “Toot-en-common”}. So I then asked my husband, “why do we call him King Tut? Shouldn’t his name be King Toot?!” Josh thought it was funny, but I am serious. So that’s what I call him now.

That’s pretty much my life recently. Life is so great right now, it’s a little bit ridiculous.