Sunday, April 28, 2013


I am terrible at updating my blog. Life is so crazy busy, and at the end of the day all I want to do is sleep. And when I wake up, I just want to sleep some more.

Having a little human to take care of is the hardest thing I think that I have ever done. He brings me so much joy, though. Lex is everything that I could have asked for. And more. A thousand times more.
He is already three months, and he LOVES everything. Except when people get into his face {unless it’s his momma or his daddy}, being tickled, having a dirty diaper {but that makes complete sense for real}, or not being fed fast enough.

We did have an incident the other day … Lex vomited all over me. And it wasn’t a small amount of spit up that got on my shirt. It was exorcist style throw up all over me and the floor. Miraculously the throw up did not end up all over him. I think that somebody was looking out for me because Lex had just gotten out of the bath and I did not want to bath him again. Afterwards he just fell asleep, and he slept all night.
Lex isn’t swaddled anymore, and he likes it just fine that way. Now I just need to figure out a way for him to consistently take a two hour nap at least once during the day. He is much more pleasant that way. Unfortunately I had to return to work {poo}, and Lex is looked after by my in-laws, and it is really hard for him to be on a routine when things just end up being all skiddywompus being at a different house.

Anyways… I just love my little guy. And he is the apple of both mine and Josh’s eye. :o)

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